The seed of war
Planted in this spirit of mine
Neither falters or wanes
Through experience or time
Educated by the fist
And words of contempt
I drive by aggression
And a cartridge well spent
Some call it murder
But it’s part of the game
Be it business or politics
Their luxury is your pain
I am but a tool
A sword for some master
They pay me my fee
To write your last chapter
All for the wealthy
Life as part of the sum
I hold my chin high
To the beat of a drum
Planted in this spirit of mine
Neither falters or wanes
Through experience or time
Educated by the fist
And words of contempt
I drive by aggression
And a cartridge well spent
Some call it murder
But it’s part of the game
Be it business or politics
Their luxury is your pain
I am but a tool
A sword for some master
They pay me my fee
To write your last chapter
All for the wealthy
Life as part of the sum
I hold my chin high
To the beat of a drum